Monday, December 31, 2007

Bringing in The New Tear

well life has been extra busy lately. finals went well for me at high school. i did far better than i ever expected which was a relief. Work at the christmas store has been extra busy lately as well. Mainly we are just tearing stuff down and preparing to close for six weeks. In other news, christmas was excellent. i got money to go towards my cyclocross upgrade and savings for my new mountain bike, both of which i cannot wait for. on another good note, my mom came home with the grand prize of her company party raffle. she won a brand new playstation 3! we also picked up rock band for a damn good price. it is so amazing.
Also the christmas store christmas party was a blast. every body danced and drank and had a really great time. all us young kids brought what we named the "Razzle-Dazzle Party Train Extravaganza" we encouraged the older people to dance, it was awesome. I am getting better at my new rollers that i got for christmas. i only fell off a couple times. now i havent fallen for a few days. I am taking a little time off of cycling, i was training and racing cyclocross a lot, which is a good thing, i was getting a little worn out. this time off is feeling good. i think i might go out with evan a little for some of his base training to keep some of my fitness. Otherwise life is good looking forward to the new year, for mountain biking, and especially cyclocross. i got picked up by Boulder Cycle Sport, and will be racing indefinitely for them next year. i spoke with Brandon Dwight, owner of BCS and bad ass crosser, and he was more than willing to except me as a team member. he saw a few of my results this year, and he wanted me to get some of those results for his team. (as you know, this season i was unattached in the way of teams) I am really looking forward to that next year though.
Happy New Year to you and yours!

Well, Life Goes On.......

Thursday, December 20, 2007

The End.

well cross ended on a rather good note. state championships were in lyons, colorado. just a few minutes north of boulder. the junior race was freezing, like always. but loads of fun. i was having an awesome race, sitting about fourth of fifth wheel, then i crashed really hard and it took it out of me. i only lost two places. but i finished. I won BCR for the junior men 15 16 category though!! Congrats to Tim Johnson for winning natz. that sucks for trebon though. ouch. my only question is how they are going to make a stars and stripes skinsuit for tim johnson and still keep the nine balls. well i am sure it will be pretty sweet though.

Life goes on.......

Monday, December 3, 2007

Wrapping it up

well cross season will come to a close this sunday. you could say i am ready for its end. also, coming soon, will be the end of work as well which will be a good feeling. hopefully i will be able to take BCR for my category, i will have to do real well at state to win. a little time off the bike will be nice. i will finally get to sleep in consistently. that junior schedule kind of sucks. well, life goes on.....

thanks for reading
